
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

On The Way To Sinchon Boardgame

One crazy song from the late 90s that was bizarre, with kindergarten lyrics, yet catchy, and like 2 songs combined into one (ie. the second part is a different tempo/style), and relatively short (3minutes, where songs during that period were going from 4 minutes to 5 minutes), was called Peaches. And the band's name is even more bizzarre.

So here are random bizarre, amusing stuff that I took while walking to the Sinchon area.

Batman's see-through bike. Now one smart owner utilise it by keeping the raincoat inside.

Front stereo facing speakers do not only come only on the Google Nexus 10. 

Keywords in Seoul you must know: Take Out

Peaches. I am moving to the country. Gonna eat a lot of peaches.

Iron Man loves this nation. And fine dining.


Ice cream started going on "super sale" since 2 weeks ago. But it was still hot outside and I have had a few.
2+1 means you buy 2 and get an extra.

Instant retro camera.

Boardgame warriors.

Just good plain make-over (not plastic).

Letting the cat out of the bag.
This giant cat from the Cat Cafe.

Church cathedral just outside the Yonsei University area.

My last bite at Boiling Pot. The following week we moved to Babeans (Babo Beans)

Owl tea pot and cup. Jerry's meal.

Slight change from my main staple of red-bean fish shaped ice cream.
This is waffle shaped so square-ish.
With choco-chips.

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